Skin Care

How To Take Care Of Your Skin This Summer?

Best Skin Care Routine To Effective Take Care Of Your Skin

This summer, it is important to know how you should best take care of your skin due to the increase in temperature that likely will affect our skin, having a good skincare routine and healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the best skincare routine advice you can use to prevent yourself from hurting your skin.

Do Not Smoke Or Simply Stop Smoking

It is already a proven fact that smoking can affect your skin which can make you look older and add wrinkles. Smoking contributes to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, and it decreases blood flow and can make the skin pale. Smoking also lessens the oxygen that our skin needs and the nutrients that are vital to our skin health. 

That fiber such as collagen and elastin are important in our skin which gives its strength and elasticity, if we continue to smoke it can damage them. 

And if you continue to smoke, please be reminded that it increases the risk of having squamous cell skin cancer. This is the very main reason why you should consider stopping and avoiding smoking. 

Learn To Manage Stress

Inability to control stress can make your skin more sensitive and thus can trigger an increase in acne and other skin problems. Having a healthy state of mind helps as a way to take care of your skin. Again manage your stress by doing the following

  • Make sure you have enough sleep
  • Know what is your limitations
  • Manage and scale back on your things-to-do list
  • Know your priorities

Healthy Eating Lifestyle

I do not want to say diet because for some they do not believe this and for most it is just a fad. But when you say it should be treated as a lifestyle it simply means that you believe in this and you are passionate on wanted to do this. Now eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats is a way to start eating healthy. Also eating fish helps promote younger-looking skin. 

It is also important that you should never dehydrate yourself, always drink lots of water which helps in making sure you are hydrated. 

Have A Skin Care Routine

Always have your own skincare routine that you do such as

  • Avoiding long hot showers – although we can say that it’s very rejuvenating to have a long bath shower, it is still not advisable to do especially with hot water. Oils in our body are essential and if we took a long shower it basically removes oils from our body.
  • Know what is the best soap for you – Again oil is essential to our skin and if we use strong soaps and detergent, it simply just does not help.
  • Do dry patting with a towel after washing or bathing – to make sure that your skin remains moist, just practice gently patting or blotting your skin dry with a towel.
  • Always moisturize your skin – when experiencing dry skin, use a moisturizer that will not hurt your skin and will help best to moisturize this. For daily use, simply consider using a moisturizer that has SPF.

Protect Yourself From The Sun

In this summertime, it is best to simply just protect yourself from the sun or if possible to avoid getting exposed to it. Here are some tips to make sure to have complete sun protection.

  • Always use sunscreen – Learn to apply sunscreen regularly by reapplying it every two hours. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15.
  • Try to wear protective clothing – If you could consider covering your skin with long sleeves shirts, pants, and hats that will help you get protection from the sun.
  • Know when to find shade from the sun – the sun’s strongest rays usually happen between 10 AM and 4 PM. If possible try to avoid not going outside if not needed.

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